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The Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) is the national organization formed specifically to foster and support the hobby/sport of model building/flying within the United States. Most flying clubs, including York Model Aviators, require membership to AMA as a condition for the use of their field.  A major reason for this requirement is that the AMA provides liability insurance coverage for personal and property damage that could occur from flying activities.  It also provides a wealth of invaluable information to both it's members and those expressing an interest in the sport.  Some of this information comes in the form of a monthly magazine.


So whether you are considering building a model or buying a ready-to-fly plane, or if you are interested in competitive events or just casual flying, the AMA is the place to start gathering information.  A link to the AMA membership page is provided above. Journey there and discover the wonderful hobby of RC model flying.

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